+91-897 565 66 31

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Pharmaceutical (medicinal) chemistry is concerned with the design (drug design) and synthesis of biologically active molecules. The aim is to synthesize novel chemical moieties that could assist in the discovery of new pharmaceuticals or optimize already known drug structures, thereby synthesizing drug or optimizing and further synthesizing drugs with better pharmacokinetic profile. Although organic chemistry plays a crucial role, only knowledgeable pharmaceutical chemists are able to work effectively in a highly interdisciplinary environment and interact with scientists in other disciplines, such as molecular biology, structural biology, pharmacology, physical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical technology, toxicology or with experts from the field of translational medicine, and the list continues.

The Pharmaceutical Chemistry also includes following departments:

  • Organic Chemistry - Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds. Most organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen, but they may also include any number of other elements (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, Sulphur). Organic chemistry is a highly creative science that allows chemists to create and explore molecules and compounds. Organic chemists are engaged in research for synthesis of novel chemical entities and finding better synthetic pathways for synthesizing existing ones. Organic Chemistry includes all sciences from information about the structure electronic chemical properties of an atom to the synthesis of novel heterocyclic compounds

  • Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry - It deals with the method of preparation, physical or chemical properties of compounds, assay methods and uses of inorganic agents used as pharmaceutical aids and as therapeutics and diagnostics agents. The acids, bases, buffer, water, antioxidants etc. are the products used as pharmaceutical aids. The pharmaceutical products containing different types of ions- cations and fluid electrolytes, Protectives, cathartics, antacids, antidote, topical agents, dental products, inhalants, respiratory stimulants, astringents, expectorants and emetics are the important therapeutically agents. Radiopharmaceutical compounds are employed both as diagnostics and as therapeutics products. Inorganic compounds are also used as radio-opaque contrast media, tableting aids and suspending agents. All pharmaceutical inorganic compounds or medicinal compounds are given in monographs of the Pharmacopoeia of each country and are considered as official records. An official compound is need to comply with certain standards of purity specified in the Pharmacopoeia and may often contains some other compounds for specific reasons.

  • Pharmaceutical analysis - It is traditionally defined as analytical chemistry dealing with drugs both as bulk drug substances and as pharmaceutical products (formulations). However, in academia, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, other branches of analytical chemistry are also involved, viz. bioanalytical chemistry, drug metabolism studies, and analytical biotechnology. Pharmaceutical analysis is mainly focused in drug analyses, in raw materials and pharmaceutical formulations, involving the determination of active components, impurities, excipients, content uniformity, solubility, dissolution rate and stability.

Direct analysis of target compounds are only possible if the wavelength used is not interfered with by other species. Analyses of mixtures of components are possible by means of derivative spectrophotometry, chemometrics or a chemical derivative obtained by reactions like redox, ion pairing, metal ion chelation, azo dye derivatization, Schiff base formation and charge transfer complex formation.