+91-897 565 66 31

Curricular & Extra-Curricular Activities


  • To plan, schedule and conduct curricular & extracurricular event in the college & take the responsibility in organizing overall cultural activities.
  • To frame the agenda of program and to arrange the venue and logistics, arrange mementoes, guest and certificate for the event.
  • To conduct intra and inter collegiate sports events in the college.
  • To plan and schedule sports events for the academic year with reference University of Mumbai.
  • To plan, proposed and obtain sanctions for the budget for various activities

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation in Organization Designation in Committee
1 Ms. Varsha Gaikwad Assistant Professor Coordinator
2 Ms. Mashfa Asar Assistant Professor Member
3 Ms. Kajal Andhale
(Days celebration)
Assistant Professor Member
4 Ms. Sidra Choudhary Assistant Professor Member
5 Ms. Hina Sayyed Lab Assistant Member

For details contact: Ms. Varsha Gaikwad - 8879955443 


Research & Innovation activities


  1. To create a conducive environment for promotion of Research & Innovation activities in the institute.
  2. To encourage faculty members to apply for Major, Minor Research Projects, Incubation, Design and innovation Centers
  3. To ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of Research & Innovation activities at the institute.
  4. To promote collaborative research.
  5. To strengthen industry – institute interaction by promoting consultancy, testing and need based research & innovation activities in the institute

Sr. No. Name of Member Designation in Organization Designation in Committee
1 Dr. Amol R. Chandekar Principal Chairperson
2 Mr. Ambikanand Jha Assistant Professor Co-ordinator
3 Ms. Priyanka Sadgir Assistant Professor Committee Member

For details contact: Mr. Ambikanand Jha - 8002787814