+91-897 565 66 31

Anti-Ragging Committee/ Anti-Ragging Squad

Ragging is a social crime. As per AICTE “Regulation” Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus as well as outside the college campus. All students are hereby informed not to indulge in any kind of Ragging activity either directly or indirectly. A strict action as per AICTE “Regulation” will be taken.

- All the students’ online affidavit / undertaking be taken every year.

- FOR SENIOR STUDENTS: The senior student should note that they should not engage themselves in any kind of Ragging Activity inside as well as outside of college campus. Strict action as per above “AICTE” Regulation will be taken against them if anybody is found indulging in Ragging ACTIVITY.

- FOR ALL STUDENTS & PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: All the students and their parents/ guardians should carefully read and fully understand the provisions contained in the said AICTE “Regulation” All the students and their parents /guardian should submit the enclose Affidavits along with the admission from at the time of payment of fees. The students who fail to submit the affidavit will not be granted admission in the college.

- FOR FRESHER STUDENTS: The fresher students can contact any of the committee member or the principal at any time, if anybody tries to do Ragging with them. The fresher student should desist from doing anything against their will even if ordered by the seniors. They should immediately contact the office or any of the Anti-Ragging committee members and report the incident immediately. The college will take stringent action against the senior student involved in Ragging. The fresher should not fear of any action and should not tolerate any kind of atrocities of senior students.

The Anti ragging punishment will vary from: –

  • Imprisonment
  • Permanent Expulsion from the institution
  • Suspension from the institution
  • Fine with a public apology
  • Fine
  • Withholding of any form of financial grant (scholarship etc)
  • Withholding of result of examination
  • Debarring from representation in college event

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation in Organization Designation in Committee Contact
1 Dr. Amol Chandekar Principal - SPBC College of Pharmacy Chairperson 9981187966
2 Ms. Ilsa Momin Assistant Professor Coordinator 9284510755
3 Ms. Sidra Choudhary Assistant Professor Member 8898022949
4 Ms. Priyanka Sadgir Assistant Professor Member 9922144200
5 Ms. Minal Kulkarni Assistant Professor Member Squad 9769392476
6 Mr. Ambika Nand Jha Assistant Professor Member Squad 8002787814
7 Bhiwandi Police Station Member
8 Local Media Member Squad
9 Ms. Minal Wambere Office Incharge Member 9730302396
10 Aashish Zemase Representatives of Parents (F.Y. - B. Pharm) Member 8879567190
11 Sukrut Zemase Representatives of Parents (F.Y. - B. Pharm) Member 7977234726

For details contact: Ms. Ilsa Momin (9284510755)
Anti-ragging cell helpline number 1800-180-5522


Women Grievance & Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee, Women Internal Complaint Committee, Vishakha cell, Student Redressal Committee


  • To conduct awareness program for all student and staff every year and record the same.
  • To identify the cases of woman harassment at the institute.
  • Organization of bimonthly meeting of the female faculty, girl’s representative of the institute.
  • Identifying the issues related to behaviour of male teaching faculty, Non- teaching staff, students and any personal issues etc.
  • Analysis of different problems coming under this category and coordination with principal for their solution.
  • To develop various scheme for welfare of females.

Meeting: The above cell will meet at least twice the year and review all the complaints received and take / suggest remedial measure. and also conduct one awareness program for all the students and staff .

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation in Organization Designation in Committee Contact Number
1 Dr.Amol R. Chandekar Principal - SPBC College of Pharmacy Chairperson 9981187966
2 Ms. Minal Kulkarni Assistant Professor Coordinator 9769392476
3 Ms. Sidra Choudhary Assistant Professor Member 8898022949
4 Ms. Ilsa Momin Assistant Professor Member 9284510755
5 Ms. Shreyanshi Pawar Student Student Representative 8108404084
6 Ms. Renuka Doiphode Student Student Representative 8369551983
7 Ms. Veena Pillai Student Student Representative 7715881827


 SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Committee/ Anti-Discrimination Cell (Promotion of Equity and Grievance Redressal) & Gender Sensitization Cell


  1. All affairs related to committee.
  2. To implement the reservation policy for SC/ST OBC/ Minority in the college.
  3. To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admission, appointments to teaching and non-teaching position in the college, and analyze the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota. All affairs related to SC/ST/ OBC/ Minority reservation implemented in the institute according to Government of India Policy.
  4. Registering the complaints in writing from of SC/ST/ OBC/ Minority teacher, officers, employees, and students and address it to concerned department, person, section for its peaceful resolution.
  5. Nomination of SC/ST/ OBC/ Minority students for committee at Institute level.
  6. The Cell will look into the matters (if any) of depriving a student or a group of students on the basis of caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender, disability of access etc. to education of any type or at any level.
  7. This cell always try to uphold the dignity of the institution by addressing the concerns (if any) brought into the notice related to equality in offering or receiving education inside the campus.
  8. Any act, speech or intentions that perturb the harmony among the people is seriously regarded and dealt on immediate basis to restore the peace.

Meeting: The above cell will meet at least twice the year and review all the complaints received and take / suggest remedial measure.

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation in Organization Designation in Committee
1 Dr. Amol Chandekar Principal - SPBC College of Pharmacy Chairperson
2 Ms. Varsha Gaikwad Assistant Professor Coordinator
3 Ms. Sidra Choudhary Assistant Professor Member
4 Ms. Farzana Quazi Assistant Professor Member
5 Ms. Mashfa Asar Assistant Professor Member
6 Ms. Ilsa Momin Assistant Professor Member
7 Ms. Hina Sayyed Lab Attendant Member
8 Anuja Jadhav Student Member
9 Priti Jadhav Student Member
10 Mantasha ansari Student Member